Rett Harmon on Growth through Diversification

Join us for this great session with Rett Harmon, the Co-owner of Century21 Novus and Team Leader of the Rettro Group. Rett is a humble guy, but don’t let that fool you. He runs a serious business – and makes hilarious videos.

Hear how Rett built and maintains a large property management business, owns a brokerage, AND runs his own sales team, all while being present in the community and a family man at heart. He embodies work hard, play hard and he also has a great strategy he pioneered. Random to Real Estate – the idea that whatever you like, other people will like and be attracted to. This is built on authenticity in Marketing, but it’s also a powerful to “be you” while creating content that will resonate with other all while helping to build your brand and your business.